I have created this page to provide easy access to all the material I generate in my ministry. Here you will find my homilies, book reviews and articles. You can see the topics which interest me by pressing the "Label" button on the right. You can engage me in discussions in the comments section, if you have a question or disagree with anything I say(My intention is to eventually add Disqus to the site). I only ask that you show the proper respect and language as I promise to do the same.
You can also find materials about my interactions with atheists. In fact, if you are an atheist and think that what I do or say in these interactions is just a veiled attempt at conversion, let me be very clear: what you find in these sections are not attempts at changing your mind but at explaining and making you understand why I believe what I believe. Conversion is a private, challenging and sometimes painful and scary experience. It would be extremely arrogant of me to think that anything I could say or do would be cause for someone conversion. At the end of the day conversion is a matter between the individual and God. If I could be of any help, praise be to God, but do not take anything I say as trying to force you into believing.
I would also like to apologize in advance for any “butchering” of the English language. Spanish is my first language so every once in a while I might write something which makes perfect sense in Spanish but it does not translate to well. I usually ask my wife or daughters to edit my writing, but sometimes I’m pressed for time, so I skip their editing efforts.
To clergy, lay persons and religious I say: you are welcomed to use any of the materials in this page for your private or ministerial use. With some caveats:
1, If you are a pastor, priest or deacon you are welcome to copy and steal as much as you want for your homilies, and ministry. I only ask that if you use anything in here in you ministry, please drop me a note let me know how was it received.
2. If you are a religious educator I ask you to please give some attribution to the work, and let me know if it was effective.
3. If you are a lay person I invite you to use any of these materials but refrain from from wide distributions. The last thing I want is to get one of my Memes or Homilies in a chain e-mail or a letter.
You could follow me in Facebook and Twitter by just clicking on the icons on the right or you could like the the site in facebook of Google+. Lastly…
I thank you for your visit and invite you to come again! I’m always trying to add new stuff.
In Christ and With God’s Blessings,
“Viva Cristo Rey!!”
Deacon Harbey Santiago