Monday, December 30, 2013

Things Have Been Quiet Lately

     Things have been quiet lately here at the blog. Mostly because my time have been very taxed by ministry, family, work and a little renovation project I undertook at the beginning of October (If you follow me on Facebook you might have seen the pictures of my slow progress). Luckily the bulk of the  work is done and I will be able to write on-line a bit more.
My Little Project as it Stands Today.

     I was reviewing the list of posts I have on draft mode (Posts which for one reason or another I have not finished) and discovered that I have quite a bit number of unfinished business, so one of my new year's resolution is to finish and add these to the blog and to be more regular on my blogging. Most people abandon their resolutions at one point or another, however I have always been pretty good a keeping mine so we will see how long I can keep them up.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support to my ministry, and also to wish you a most blessed Christmas season and a great 2014 year!

     "Viva Cristo Rey!!"